Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Our life in a box
So our life (or at least the material possesion part of it as my Shazza keeps reminding me), so far fits into half a container and involves exactly 60 parcels and I have the photos to prove it!
Yes we have moved out of our appartment and into Craig's mums. The shipping company came on Saturday morning and collected everything that wasn't coming to Craig's mums with us. It will be stored until we have everything sorted out and a place to live in Earthsong. Wow!
Thursday, March 23, 2006
My Book Collection
A random selection also now appears down the side of this screen :-)
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
I have just recieved 2 quotes for us to ship Bootlace to New Zealand, $700 and $1225! Considering our tickets will only cost about $220 each I'm in total shock. I'm glad I don't have to go through the crap that he will have to undergo, we will be seperated for 3 days before the flight and we want even be able to see him again until we arrive in Auckland :(
Well, at least he can come :-)
There was movement in the station
Craig and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary yesterday. We had originally planned on going out to the Dandenongs to have dinner at the restaurant we had dinner on our wedding night, it all sounded very romantic, but then after a little discussion we decided that all we really wanted to do was get stuck into packing. So I cooked us a yummy redwine casserole, he gave me a bunch of roses *grin* and we had a lovely night teasing each other, sorting through our life and putting it into boxes.
So what is happening, why the packing?
The shipping company that will be sending our things to Auckland is going to store all of our stuff between now and that faithful day. They will arrive on Saturday to collect our well packed life and taking it away for up to 9 months (hopefully less then that). In the mean time we will be moving in with Craig's mum in Balwyn.
Yes, yes, we did originally say that we would move back into Hurstbridge but when you have downsized to a 2 bedroom 1 study apartment and then downsized again ready for a studio apartment in another country, you kind of end up with very little stuff, and serioulsy little when it comes to trying to furnish a 3 bedroom house. So we have decided that our life would be much easier if we stored our stuff and just took the basics that we need to Balwyn. This way our Hurstbridge house can be painted and look fresh and clean for prospective buyers.
The only problem with this plan is there is lots to do, I'm still not quite as fit and healthy as I like to pretend (and aside from finding packing to be very daunting on my own), and I simply get overwhelmed with the actual physical stuff. But on the plus side, I have organised all the power, telephone, internet, water, mail redirection etc etc etc that all needs to be done (and burned mp3's of a bunch of music, just in case the shipping container sinks), so things are getting done, you just can't see them like you can piles of boxes :-)
Monday, March 20, 2006
Zen Gardens
I have been very attracted to the idea of a Zen garden. A space to sit quietly, meditate, draw, read. A space that you know even if others enter the garden, your personal peace will not be disturbed.
I just found this article which I found interesting in its own simplicity and I decided I wanted to add it to my blog so I have a reminder of the things I would like to achieve. I'm hoping I may be able to create a zen garden in Earthsong (I have edited this a little in places - actual article can be found by clicking on the title link). One of the other features I would like to incorporate into my garden would be a space for all the elements - earth, air, fire, water and spirit.
A Zen garden is the perfect spot to sit and contemplate. Originally a Japanese style of garden, it combines both natural and architectural elements.
The Zen spiritual garden was used by Japanese Buddhist monks from around the 13th century as a place to contemplate and meditate. Layered to create a three dimensional image, a Zen spiritual garden is planned with a foreground and a background leading into a perspective.
Water features
All elements have a purpose for being in the garden and water is the provider of life. It is a natural element that can be displayed as a stream, pond or water feature.
Sand can also be used to represent water, an ideal solution in dry climates, but using the real thing is ok too.
Plants bring emotion to the garden with various colours, heights and textures.
Rocks for your garden
Rocks are one of the most important elements of a Zen garden because they create dimension. They reflect the scale of time and also provide presence and energy. Select your rocks and stones and then grade them into sizes, with larger to the front and smaller in the background. Choose well worn rocks to add depth and character.
Water alternatives
A sand or pebble formation can be used as an alternative to the element of water. Swirl the sand around to create a rippling or rushing water effect and the swirls will also provide energy to the garden. The sand used in Zen gardens is not beach sand but crushed granite and comes in various shades. Use light coloured pebbles to brighten up a dark area.
Bridge your garden
A bridge is one of the architectural elements that can be used in a Zen garden. They are used to connect different areas of the garden and provide you with views of the garden otherwise unobtainable.
Decorative ornaments
Ornaments are another architectural element that add atmosphere to the garden and serve as focal points. They are ideal for helping to create a sense of distance. This stone lantern (pictured) is in keeping with the Zen feel of the garden.
Gated garden
The beauty of a Zen garden is it can be created in the smallest of spaces. The illusion of depth and space can be created through the placement of elements. Place a gate at the entrance of your garden to further enhance the illusion.
Earthsong Appartment Pics
Yay, very exciting stuff, here are some pics, taken by our wonderful Earthsong neighbour Lippy, of the last stage of Earthsong buildings.
We have decided that we would like appartment 28, an upstairs studio appartment, the walls for the top story appartments haven't been put up yet so hopefully when they do Lippy may send us some more pics.
In other news, we have decided that on Saturday (that's this Saturday the 25th of March) we will be moving all of our non essential items (tv, dvd, desks, bed, kitchenware etc etc) into storage and taking the rest with us to Craig's mum's house where we will live for the next 'x' number of months (at the longest about 9 months) - this is very exciting because it is a definate move towards Earthsong for us, a big shinning billboard saying this is it - your moving!
It's funny that the last big thing Craig and I did was take a 3 month trip up the NE coast of Australia, then come home and moved in with his parents before buying our house in Hurstbridge, now we are doing something very similar.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Not much to report
What they would really like to do is rent the house until September (when he becomes a really real train driver and not just a trainee) and then purchase the house. This suits us just fine, as long as we can get a deposit and a signed contract of sale from them. The hope is that we can have all of this sorted out by the end of this month - so that Craig and I don't have to move into Hurstbridge or have anything further to do with it really. So we waite for them to organise finances.
We also have to wait on Promethius to get back to us on acceptance of our loan application.
Once we have our loan approved, we know what is happening with Hurstbridge, we can then send an email to Earthsong to advise them that we would love it if they could let us know when a rental comes up and then we can move asap. AHHHHHHHHH I hate waiting!
I am still packing and sorting things, finding out about shipping (apparently we need to ensure our container is near the bottom centre of the boat because they top ones are designed to fall off the boat if need be in rough seas!) and generally keeping busy until I know more.
The link in the title today will take you to my Earthsong flikr page, at the bottom I have added some pics from the Earthsong website of the site layout and concept plan stuff.
That's all for now :-)
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Monday, March 06, 2006
Things are coming together
This morning I listed our old bookcases and some books on Freecycle and the bookcases have walked out the door already and the books will be collected on Friday morning - Yay!
Our tenant has called me today to tell me that she will be paying the next 3 weeks worth of rent upfront but will be moving out before then. She is also washing all of the walls and ceilings for me which is great.
My friend Vanessa has offered to help me paint the house, which now means we can go there before Craig and I need to move in, get the painting done and then move in all our crap - I mean beautiful belongings :-)
And... Prometheus (the loan company) has let us know that they have recieved our application and are currently reviewing it, so hopefully we will here back from them very soon.
Ahhh, I can't wait! There is so much to do before we leave, I just hope there is enough regular stuff to do to keep me occupied between now and then!
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Another big decision
What does this mean for us - in 28 days we will be moving back into our Hurstbridge house to get it ready for sale. We will then, hopefully, sell it within a month or two, have a short settlement date and move to Earthsong if a rental property is available or to Craig's mum's until we can move to Earthsong.
I would like to cut the costs of sale down as much as possible, I think it's possible to sell our house through an agent but handle the viewing etc ourselves and they just do the publicity and paperwork. I believe this costs much less then having an agent show people around. I'd prefer this anyway, having buyers come direct to me, I like private sales, more personal.
Things to do to sell:
- Scream, run around madly for a while, then calm down and get to work
- Find out all costs in selling the property and what we need to sell it for to meet ALL those costs (stamp duty, taxes, agent fees, mortgage payout, beautification costs others I don't know about yet)
- Tidy the gardens
- Paint the interior
- Paint the outside windows
Ahh well, at least I'll have something to do for the next few days - like repaking the boxes I just unpacked :-}
Friday, March 03, 2006
Yet another step towards moving
So - anyone one to buy a car?? :-)
eBay.au: Ford Falcon GLI Sedan 1995 Metalic Silver/Blue (item 4618469417 end time 13-Mar-06 17:43:22 AEDST)
Why is it that just when you think everything is going to come together something really crap happens to scare the hell out of you *sigh*
Here are some pics of Hurstbridge: the one with the path shows you the back of our house, the next one is a blury view of part of the main shops and the last one is a view up from the trainstation.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Mock-ups of appartment
These pics are a 3D mock-up I did of our appartment in Earthsong. They are ruff guess and not 100% accurate, but you get the general idea.
The first is of the bedroom loft on it's own, the second is the main living space and the last one is the loft + living space. I have also included a copy of the floor plan.
While I wait
I pulled out all the books I had by Jackie French, devoured them in 2 days and then set to work deciding what I could do on an upstairs balcony with full sun all day (practically). Eventually (as it was pretty much my only choice really) I decided to build 2 "box gardens" and to replant my other pots. I grabed the car keys, wandered down to the green grocer and begged sweetly for 2 stirofoam boxes and a cardboard box of cabbage leaves, which he was more then happy to supply. I then drove over to CERES to get my potting mix, seawead fertiliser and of course - the plants.
After wandering around the nursery for about half an hour, I finally decided that I wanted seedlings rather then seeds. Why? because I'm hopefully not going to be here for long enough to nurture seeds into full grown, harvestable plants. So the decision was:
- Cos Lettuce
- Baby Spinach
- Flat-leaf Parsley
- Chilli plants (compleate with 1 chilli each :)
- Snow Peas (which I am growing around a wire desk organiser that I don't use)
- Basil
- Strawberries
- Rosemary
- Chives
- Coriander
- and Silverbeat (I think that's what it is, I can't recal now, oops)
The end result was thus:
Lets just hope they yield me a bumper crop (or better yet, we leave before they mature and I have to give them away, lol)